Exhibition of Student Proposals and North | South Social Mixer
Exhibition of Student Proposals and North | South Social Mixer
California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI)
Art | Sci gallery
570 Westwood Plaza (5th floor)
Students from Professor Victoria Vesna’s 2010 graduate seminars Data + Flesh, Department of Design | Media Arts, UCLA + Hybrid Worlds: Nano_Biotech + Art Parsons The New School for Design in New York and UCLA Honors class Biotech + Art exhibit their concepts / proposals / presentations of objects, performances / art installations -- all responding to how we are changing our bodies, the food we consume,the animals we breed & the environment we inhabit.
co-sponsored by UCLA Center for Society and Genetics
supported by Leonardo ISAST + UCIRA + Parsons AMT
May 14 - June 7, 2010.Open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Parking is $10 all day, and is available near CNSI in structure 9, adjacent to the building. For more information, call 1.310.794.2118.