VICTORIA VESNA + THE ART|SCI COLLECTIVE "Octopus Mandala Glow" / Exhibition
Victoria Vesna + The Art|Sci Collective
Octopus Mandala Glow (OMG) was a public artwork and performance premiered on September 28th 2014 at Santa Monica’s Glow Festival on the famous Pacific Wheel.
September 28, 2013
Glow Festival
Santa Monica, CA
Octopus Mandala Glow (OMG) was a public artwork and performance premiered on September 28th 2014 at Santa Monica’s Glow Festival on the famous Pacific Wheel. OMG was created by Art|Sci Director Victoria Vesna, who was invited to be the keynote artist of the festival, together with the Art|Sci Collective Team: Ray Zimmerman / Dawn Faelnar /Mike Datz / Peter Rand / Steven Amrhein / Lindy Ransom.
The vision was to spread the project beyond the Pacific Wheel and on to other ferris wheels with the slogan “Occupy Your Wheel,” in order to create a global chorus and spread the joy.