"Philosophy+Art+Science: Building the platform for interdisciplinary projects at the National Autonomous University of Mexico"
May 26, 2016
Presentation Space
CNSI 5th floor
María Antonia González Valerio, PhD, will speak of her work as the director of the interdisciplinary collective Arte + Ciencia (Art + Science) at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), aimed at producing art and knowledge in the intercrossing of humanities, arts and sciences.
The group Arte + Ciencia was constituted in 2011 under the direction of Prof. Dr. María Antonia González Valerio and it is based at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Since the beginning its main objective has been to produce art and knowledge in the intercrossing of humanities, arts and sciences. It has reunited artists, scholars, scientists and students to creatively collaborate in several projects. It has been pioneer in Mexico in the production of interdisciplinary works.
Arte+Ciencia has organized and produced the exhibitions: “Sin origen/Sin Semilla (first transgenic and biotechnological exhibition in Mexico)”, MUCA Roma-MUAC, UNAM, México, 2012-2013. “Bioartefactos: Desgranar lentamente un maíz” MACO, Oaxaca, México, 2014. “Bestiario del día final”, Quinto Piso, México, 2015.
It has also organized some workshops about art and science: “Artistic investigations into Robots and Plants” (2015), “Antropología del cerdo” (2015), “Vida maquinaria: Limitaciones y transgresiones en la relación arte-vida-sociedad” (2014), “From Bioethics to Bioart: The Question about the Limits” (2014).
It has edited two books about humanities, art and science, Sin origen/Sin semilla (México: UNAM/Bonilla editores, 2016) and Pròs Bíon: Reflexiones naturales sobre arte, ciencia y filosofía (México, UNAM, 2015).
It has hosted lectures from well known artists, curators and academics such as Jens Hauser (DE), Marta de Menezes (PT), Ingeborg Reichle (DE), Nicole Karafyllis (DE), Suzanne Anker (US), Brandon Ballengée (US), Laura Beloff (FI), Melentie Pandilovski (MK), Manuela de Barros (FR), Mónica Bello (SP), etc.
The group has been linked and sponsored by two research project financed by the UNAM and whose leader has been González Valerio. Therefore, the group has a strong attachment to the university and works mainly from there, being the education of undergraduate and graduate students in arts, sciences and humanities a principal aim.
Twitter: @artemasciencia
Facebook: /artemasciencia/