ArtSci HOXLIDAY Open House 2023

Hosts: ArtSci Collective

Celebrating the conclusion of the Year of the Rabbit and the nearing arrival of the Year of the Dragon!
15 Dec 2023 - 12:00pm

As we reflect on the year's challenges and find solace in the community, we invite you to the latest iteration of our Hox Zodiac meal series: the 2024 HOXLIDAY gathering and open house!

You are invited to enrich our gathering with unique stories, culinary traditions, and wisdom as informed by your respective Zodiac sign or cultural background–or even, if inclined, your HOX-gene character.

Optional: You are welcome to bring small food offerings based on the ingredients recommended for your Zodiac sign (EAT); or to offer yourself (BE EATEN). Don't worry if you aren't able to bring food – stories, poems, sound/music, or other offerings informed by your Zodiac placement are equally encouraged.

For inspiration and guidance on preparing foods, please refer to our website


We especially want to show our sincere appreciation for the dedicated UCLA staff members whose generous support has been instrumental to the work of our team and for our students at UCLA, whose extraordinary commitment and effort lightened this particularly tough year. Our gathering is intended to honor their determination, fortitude, and exceptional contributions.


We eagerly anticipate celebrating the spirit of the HOX ZODIAC, reflecting on the past year, and looking forward to the Year of the Dragon with hope and unity.

Signed, the Art|Sci Collective

Ivy Lovett & John Brumley (OXEN)

Debora Giannone & David Roy (TIGRESS/TIGER)

Anuradha Vikram & Gabriel Tolson (DRAGONS)

Maryam Razi & TC Zhou (HORSES)

Victoria Vesna & Ivana Dama (PIGS)


