Haley Marks, an artist at heart and a scientist in the lab, contributed to the imagery for the Fiat Lux Water Bowl!


Haley Marks, Project Scientist at UCLA ALMS, generously contributed her time and knowledge to make the Fiat Lux Water Bowl performative installation truly remarkable. At ALMS (Advanced Light Microscopy and Spectroscopy Laboratory), autofluorescence and polarization images of the herbal plants horehound, rosemary, mugwort, stinging nettle, vervain, and lavender were captured using a Leica Thunder Widefield Microscope.

Dr. Haley L. Marks, Ph.D. is a biomedical engineer with interests in nano-biosensor research, translational medicine, and optics education. She has expertise in developing novel reporter dyes, nanoparticles, and has extensive experience working with spectroscopy/microscopy instrumentation, 3D printing, and developing microfluidic and lateral flow assay platforms. Since joining CNSI in 2022, Haley has served as a technical expert, providing advanced light microscopy training and services to ALMS users. She works on developing and optimizing ALMS’s existing super-resolution and high-speed optical methods, developing strategies and imaging tools for in vivo imaging, and optimizing and disseminating computational imaging techniques. Haley was a recipient of the Whitaker International Fellowship and of the SPIE Franz Hillenkamp Fellowship.

See the installation images here: http://artsci.ucla.edu/node/1741

Image description:
1- Haley Marks capturing images of medicinal herbs.
2- Herbs being prepared for imaging under the Leica Thunder Widefield Microscope.
3- Media artist Victoria Vesna in the lab with Haley Marks.
4- Haley Marks and Mae Chen performing a final check on the installation.
5- Haley Marks at the Lightfest Symposium welcoming reception, introducing the International Day of Light.
6- Haley Marks with Hana Azab preparing the Fiat Lux Water Bowl installation.
