Co_Sonic 1884 km²

Robertina Šebjanič

Opening Reception | PST ART: Art & Science Collide
14 Dec 2024 - 5:00pm

Please join us on Friday, November 15th, 2024, for the opening reception of Robertina Šebjanič’s exhibition, “CO_SONIC 1884 KM2.”

Robertina Šebjanič’s Co_Sonic 1884 km² is an audio/visual-poetic reflection and AI-powered soundscape which explores the Ljubljanica river’s seven distinctly named sections as one integrated whole. Using the sounds and images of different lifeforms who (co)habit along the river’s path, dwelling both above and below the water, this multichannel video and sound installation tells the story of (co)existence among river environments and their human and non-human inhabitants.

Location: CNSI Lobby and Art Sci Gallery, 5th Floor of the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI)
570 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095

Parking: Parking Structure 9
675 Charles E Young Dr S, Los Angeles, CA 90095

Navigation: After parking, proceed to the top floor of the structure. Take the gangway along the north side of the lot, then navigate around the CNSI building to its east entrance on the 3rd floor. From there, you can access the lobby and the Art Sci Gallery on the 5th floor.

>>Exhibition Dates:
NOV 15 - DEC 14, 2024

Thursday & Friday: 2:00 – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 12:00 – 3:00 PM
RSVP required

>>Video Screening Running in Parallel to the Exhibition
Location: CAP UCLA Nimoy Theater (Nimoy REEL)
The multi-channel video installation at CNSI will be complemented by single- and two-channel presentations of Co_Sonic 1884 km² at the CAP UCLA Nimoy Theater.
No RSVP required

>>Co_Sonic 1884 km² Presentation by the Featured Artist
Date: Friday, December 6, 2024, 4 - 6 PM
Location: EDA (Experimental Digital Art)
A three-channel presentation of Co_Sonic 1884 km² with live audio will be performed by the artist, followed by a conversation on water ecology and the rights of nature with invited guests.
RSVP required

More info:

Robertina Šebjanič is an artist/researcher whose work explores the biological, (geo)political, and cultural realities of aquatic environments and the impact of humanity on other organisms.
In her analysis of the Anthropocene and its theoretical framework, the artist uses the terms “aquatocene” and “aquaforming” to refer to the human impact on aquatic environments. Her work has received several awards including the Falling Walls Lab Art and Science Prize, Starts Prize, Prix Ars Electronica, and Re:Humanism Art Prize.
