Ars Electronica | Sound of Atmosphere Day 4

Kaitlin Bryson, Saša Spačal

MycoMythologies: Storytelling Circle is an on/off_line performative workshop that evokes and employs the mycelial mind of the attendants through nodes of knowledge gathering practices and embodied mycology.
11 Sep 2021 - 9:00am

Read more event details here

Sound of Atmosphere website with full schedule.

Garden Page at the Ars Electronica website.

MycoMythologies: Storytelling Circle is an on/off_line performative workshop that evokes and employs the mycelial mind of the attendants through nodes of knowledge gathering practices and embodied mycology. Participants create their own mycomythological, speculative stories to share with one another and donate to the Spawn database. Participants will learn about World Networks Entanglement also known as planetary infrastructures through the various portions of the performative workshop: How to be a Mushroom Hunter soundwalk, Spores and Networks guided meditation, Mycelial Storytelling Objects, Carrier Bag Weaving tutorial and Mycelial Map-Making. Each portion of the workshop is a node in the mycelial web: networking, expedition, gathering story spores, making maps, storytelling and spawn.
