Final Information
Final Announcement Update
Now that I have talked to pretty much everybody individually, I feel confident that our final presentations wil be great!
A few things to keep in mind as you are finishing your projects:
1. Everyone is required to submit a powerpoint. Doing additional work is extra credit and does not preclude you from submitting the powerpoint.
2. Insert slide 2 (between title and abstract) that is a bullet-point list of all the issues you addressed in your proposal.
3 Review your blogs - this is your research. Make sure to create one pdf document that contains all your blogs.
4. You have 10 minutes to present. Be organized and finish with your discussion that summarizes in a few sentences what questions / concerns your project brings up that is worthy of discussion.
5. Attached is the invitation that Angela conceptualized. Forward to your friends or anyone you think may be interested in the class presentations. Make sure to specify JUNE 1, it was mistakenly omitted.
6. Do not hesitate to send me your work in progress and try your best to send your final ppt before class.
7. Be there at 9am or earlier so we can clear the room and be organized for 10am when we have visitors coming.
8. You will have to update your powerpoint based on the feedback and critique. Plus, I will be taking pictures and you will have the opportunity to include those images -- especially those of you who are adding to presentations.
9. Mark your calendar -- Friday, June 5th -- you are required to show up to the Art Science center for the Open Salon (see below) and to fill out evaluation forms. Important that you show up!
10. If you can, come to the opening of Gautam Rangan's exhibition at the CNSI gallery, 5pm. He is a grad student in Design | Media Arts who studied biology before coming to our program. I think you would really enjoy this.
UCLA Art | Sci Center + Lab presents...
Open Salon @ Arts lab + GAUTAM RANGAN Exhibition @ CNSI gallery
Open Salon @ Art Sci center
Friday, June 5, 1-3pm
Location: Broad Art Center, Studio 5250
Join a group of artists from New York visiting Los Angeles for an exhibition downtown at the Outpost for Contemporary Art.
A discussion on participatory mapping with Lucy Hg from The League of Imaginary Scientists, media artists Andrea Polli and Chuck Varga, and xtine.
X, Y, Z, and U is an exhibition and series of discussions and workshops featuring the mapping projects of artists whose creative practices resemble field research and scientists who use DIY tactics and creative visualization to map scientific information. The exhibition and related community-based activities are scheduled throughout June at Outpost for Contemporary Art, and organized in partnership with apexart and The League of Imaginary Scientists.
For a listing of additional events, please visit:
games by gautam rangan
JUNE 5th - 12th, 2009
JUNE 5th, 5:30 - 7:00 pm
UCLA California NanoScience Institute
C(N)SI, Art|Sci Lab suite 5419
(DMA MFA Class of 2010) uses animation and imagery to investigate ideas found in nature. He has created animations for 11 different faculty at UC Berkeley, the Discovery Science channel, and the Connecticut Science Center opening in 2009.
Most recently Gautam worked on a series of short games to help with physical therapy for Parkinson’s patients at the Baker Fitness Center at UCSF.
Final Presentation Invite:
Final Project
The final is a 12 page presentation. Students will turn in their Final Presentation (via email)
by May 30th at midnight. A draft abstract of the project proposal (100 words) is due May 25th at
midnight. The presentation template with directions will be uploaded soon. In the meantime, work
on the abstract and e-mail the Professor any questions and/or concerns.
FORMAT: If you don't use movies/animations in your presentation, please submit
your presentation as a PDF file (you can do this by exporting or printing to a PDF
from PowerPoint or Keynote). If you included movies/animations, please send the PowerPoint
or Keynote file (reminder: if your using PowerPoint, you must also email the movie file as
the program does not embed them).
POWERPOINT TEMPLATE (use the template to fill in your information):
Page 1: Title Page (HC177: Biotech & Art. Title. Name. Major)
Page 2: Abstract
Page 3: Concept/Topic
Page 4: Social Context
Page 5: Precedents and literature review
Page 6-9: Project Proposal + Diagram/Illustration
Page 10: Conclusion
Page 11: Discussion
Page 12: References. Please use the MLA Handbook for format guidelines
Expand the midterm proposal or come up with a new topic
Situate project in a given social context (past, present, future of fictitious)
Every topic in the class should be integrated in your proposal narrative
References should include course related materials – readings / movies / web:
at least 3 books, no wikipedia references, citation required for everything
including and especially images in proposal
Use your blogs as background research