BioTech 177

Week 7: Body and Genetics


Blog: Respond either to the work Gil Kuno showed in class and his exhibition at the CNSI gallery. You could also blog about the DESMA MFA exhibition, which opens on Thursday night, May 14th.

Lecture Slides

Week 7: Body, Genetics, and Medicine




The Case Against Perfection, by Michael J. Sandel, NY Times Review
Would Your Clone Have Its Own Soul, or Be a Soulless Version of You?
Testing Genes, Solving Little
The Genetic Archaeology of Race
Bodies in Biotechnology: Embodied Models for Understanding Biotechnology in Contemporary Art
Obama ends stem cell funding ban
Researchers Take Step Toward Synthetic Life
Toward Synthetic Life: Scientists Create Ribosomes -- Cell Protein Machinery
Scientific American News Scan Briefs: Weak on the Nano Risk
Weird biotechnology that re-grows body parts [Video]
Homo Economicus Commercialization of Body Tissue in the Age of Biotechnology [JSTOR]
Kim Toffoletti, Cyborgs and Barbie dolls exerpt
How Stuff Works: Biotechnology [video]
How Do You Like Your Genes? Biofabs Take Orders
H.G. Wells, Biotechnology, and Genetic Engineering: A Dystopic Vision [pdf]
Impeding Genetic Engineering
Government Fails to Assess Potential Dangers of Nanotechnology
My Genome, My Self
"Constructive biology" will reshape biotech

Other Weeks, Other Material

Week 1 - Introduction
Week 2 - Two Cultures
Week 3 - Food
Week 4 - Animals
Midterm Info
Week 5 - Midterm Presentations
Class Midterm Projects
Week 6
Week 7 - Body
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Final Info


UCLA HNRS 177 - Biotechnology and Art - Bioartists use cells, DNA molecules, proteins, and living tissues to bring to life ethical, social, and aesthetic issues of sciences. This course will study how bioart blurs distinctions between science and art through the combination of artistic and scientific processes, creating wide public debate. We wil explore the history of biotechnology as well as social implications of this science.


UCLA Art | Sci Center
UCLA Design | Media Arts
Victoria Vesna