BioTech 177

Midterm Presentations

Class Presentations

Pooya Banapour, "The BodyBuddy: Personalized Maintenance of a Healthy Lifestyle"
Ashleigh Berger, "Chromo-Go!: Give your body what it wants"
Caroline Choi, "Teeth Journal: The Ultimate Solution to Eating Healthy"
Alexandra Grabarchuk, "Body Music: The Fragility of the Human Body" Maria Gordienko, "Hidden Beneath"
Kelsey-Jean Kernstine, "The Human Testing Chamber: Effects of Animal Testing Exposed"
Angela Liu, "DNA Postal Service: Code your own genetic letter"
Jennifer Lu, "Nature Nano-Origami"
Christie McCollum, "Finding the beat: An exploration of the body's natural circadian rhythm"
Kathy Ngo, "OncoProbe: Portable Cancer Diagnostic Tool On-the-Go"
Rozalin Rabieian, "A Ride in the Digestive: Diet Soda vs. Juice"
Maria I Aguilar Rocha, "Invisible Faces"
Amy Sanchez, "Dinosauria: The Turkey Evolution Museum"
Henry Sobol, "USB DNA Drive: The New Age of Virtual Humans"
Shyaam Subramanian, "Before and Avatar: A virtual guide to fitness, health, and your future"
Natalya Watson, "G(r)ene House: The Health Risks Associated with GMOs"
Paul Yang, "Quit Smoking: 1+1 iCigarette"

Previous Student Projects

Other Quarters
See some brief examples of student presentations from the previous quarter. This is the same presentation that is going to Shanghai.

Other Weeks, Other Material

Week 1 - Introduction
Week 2 - Two Cultures
Week 3 - Food
Week 4 - Animals
Midterm Info
Week 5 - Midterm Presentations
Class Midterm Projects
Week 6
Week 7 - Body
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Final Info


UCLA HNRS 177 - Biotechnology and Art - Bioartists use cells, DNA molecules, proteins, and living tissues to bring to life ethical, social, and aesthetic issues of sciences. This course will study how bioart blurs distinctions between science and art through the combination of artistic and scientific processes, creating wide public debate. We wil explore the history of biotechnology as well as social implications of this science.


UCLA Art | Sci Center
UCLA Design | Media Arts
Victoria Vesna