Midterm Presentations
Class Presentations
Pooya Banapour, "The BodyBuddy: Personalized Maintenance of a Healthy Lifestyle"
Ashleigh Berger, "Chromo-Go!: Give your body what it wants"
Caroline Choi, "Teeth Journal: The Ultimate Solution to Eating Healthy"
Alexandra Grabarchuk, "Body Music: The Fragility of the Human Body"
Maria Gordienko, "Hidden Beneath"
Kelsey-Jean Kernstine, "The Human Testing Chamber: Effects of Animal Testing Exposed"
Angela Liu, "DNA Postal Service: Code your own genetic letter"
Jennifer Lu, "Nature Nano-Origami"
Christie McCollum, "Finding the beat: An exploration of the body's natural circadian rhythm"
Kathy Ngo, "OncoProbe: Portable Cancer Diagnostic Tool On-the-Go"
Rozalin Rabieian, "A Ride in the Digestive: Diet Soda vs. Juice"
Maria I Aguilar Rocha, "Invisible Faces"
Amy Sanchez, "Dinosauria: The Turkey Evolution Museum"
Henry Sobol, "USB DNA Drive: The New Age of Virtual Humans"
Shyaam Subramanian, "Before and Avatar: A virtual guide to fitness, health, and your future"
Natalya Watson, "G(r)ene House: The Health Risks Associated with GMOs"
Paul Yang, "Quit Smoking: 1+1 iCigarette"
Previous Student Projects
Other Quarters
See some brief examples of student presentations from the previous quarter. This is the same presentation that
is going to Shanghai.