Art|Sci Center Retrospective: 10 Years of Intersections

Art|Sci Center Retrospective: A Decade of Intersections  

6 pm | Gather @ Video Wall in CNSI Lobby 

6:30 pm | LASER + Lanch in CNSI Presentation Space, 5th Floor  

January 2015 marks the anniversary of the Art|Sci Center’s founding 10 years ago, and the launch of our year-long celebration. Join the Art|Sci Collective in looking back through the prolific decade and looking forward to the next. Sketches for future projects intermingle with presentations from memorable Art|Sci exhibitors, constructing a dynamic picture of the center’s continuing quest to promote “the third culture” between art and science.

In celebration of the Art|Sci Center's 10 years of promoting collaborative, interdisciplinary exhibitions, lectures, installations, and curricula, this LASER will feature presentations from Art|Sci affiliates of years past and years future. Presenters include sound artist Maciej Ozog, Professor of Biological Chemistry Dr. Lenny Rome (UCLA), Executive Director of the UCLA Confucius Institute Susan Jane, Professor of Arts Activisim Dr.David Gere (UCLA), Curator and Co-founder of Mindshare LA Dougie Campbell, and artist and lecturer Jim Barry (CalTech).