Kathy High
5 -7 pm | Thursday, April 16th
7-9 pm | LASER
UCLA Art|Sci Gallery
5th Floor, California Nanosystems Institute
Artist Kathy High presents the exhibition Waste Matters: You Are My Future, which explores immune systems as autopoiesis, capable of maintaining themselves, looking at research in fecal microbial transplants and gut biomes to better understand the important function of bacteria in our bodies. This project looks at the metaphor of interspecies love, immunology and bacteria as players.
KATHY HIGH (USA) is an interdisciplinary artist working in the areas of technology, science, speculative fiction and art. She produces videos and installations posing queer and feminist inquiries into areas of medicine/bio-science, and animal/interspecies collaborations. She hosts bio/ecology+art workshops and is creating an urban nature center in North Troy (NATURE Lab) with media organization The Sanctuary for Independent Media. High is Professor of Video and New Media in the Department of Arts, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. She teaches documentary and experimental digital video production, history and theory, as well as biological arts.
Event is free and open to the public. Special thanks to the David Bermant Foundation.