In connection with the 4th State of Water: From Macro to Micro exhibition at CoCA Torun, UCLA is hosting the 4th State of Water Symposium on March 22 (World Water Day) and March 23, 2012 at the California NanoSystems Institute. The opening keynotes will be given by renowned science writer Dr. Philip Ball, author of “Why Water is Weird” and “H20: A Biography of Water”, and Gerald Pollack from the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Washington, speaking on the “Fourth Phase of Water”.
The event will additionally feature a joint online session powered by Waterwheel, an interactive, collaborative platform for sharing media and ideas, performance and presentation. The Art|Sci Center invites all artists and scientists to participate in an OPEN CALL for a collaborative 15 minute performance on Tap. For more information on Waterwheel and Tap, please click here.
The event archiver is also online at
For more information, please visit