LASER [Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous] following JOSELY CARVALHO Exhibition

The UCLA Art|Sci center hosts Leonardo Art Science Rendezvoud (LASER) on November 7th, a periodical discussion forum on art science projects for artists and scientists alike. This coming month LASER will include a special sound performance by GIL KUNO and CARL Stone and is preceded by an exhibiton opening in the adjacent ART|SCI Gallery by JOSELY CARVALHO, exhibiting her work in progress DIARY of SMELLS: Shards. The artists will introduce the inspiration behind their work along with...

Barabara Drucker, Chris Kelty, Shana Koening, Ted Meyer, and Gareth Walsh.

To present your idea at the upcoming LASER on December 5th, email:

The event is FREE and open to the public. Made possible in part by the David Bermant Foundation.

Directions and Parking ($11):



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