LASER - Space and Place

LASER - Space and Place
May 9, 2013

Donovan Keith (science animator)
Caitlin Berrigan (visual artist)
Peter Tjeerdsma (experience architect)
Noa Kaplan (artist and lecturer, UCLA Design|Media Arts)
Maite Zubiaurre (author)
Hans Barnard MD, PhD (adjunct assistant professor NELC, assistant researcher Cotsen Institute of Archaeology)
Richard Hedley (PhD Student, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department)
Fabian Wagmister (Director Center for Research in Engineering, Media and Performance; Department of Film, Television and Digital Media, UCLA)
Brent Bushnell (CEO, Two Bit Circus)
Marina deBris (environmental artivist)
Christina Agapakis (postdoctoral researcher, Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, UCLA)

This event is FREE and open to the public. Click on the link below for a downloadable PDF map:

Everyone invited will introduce their work in 4-minute pecha-kucha style presentation. This is followed by drinks and food / socializing and making new connections.

Are you working on a cool project? We invite you to submit your name for this LASER! Send your title and 3-5 images to