Thinking Atoms
Science can prove that there are billions times a billion of atoms in a grain of sand and show that if we reduced our body to a solid mass of neutrons and protons it would result to a hundredth of a thickness of a human hair. Even there, string theories question this atomistic: view.
When we go beyond the visible realm, we enter into non-materialism and yet the interpretations can still be abstracted from the human condition and remain materialistic. At the same time, this space of “nothingness” is a natural meeting place for art, science, philosophy and spirituality. Join an extraordinary meeting of the minds to ponder how this new age of global communication systems, nano and biotechnology is transforming our perception of reality.
Chuni Lobsang Jinpa Rinpoche
Lama reincarnate, Gaden Shartse Monastic College
Roy Ascott
Theoretician, artist, director, Planetary Collegium, UK
Sigi Hale
Neuroscientist, co-founder Mindful Awareness Research Center, UCLA
Barbara Fields
Director, Association for Global New Thought
James Gimzewski
Nanoscientist, Pico Lab, UCLA
Ven Lama Phuntsho
Translator, Gaden Shartse Monastic College
Organized and moderated by:
Victoria Vesna
media artist, director, Art | Science Center, UCLA
The following books will be available for sale at the UCLA Ackerman Book Store:
- Ascott, R. (ed). 2006. Engineering Nature: art & Consciousness in the post-biological era. Bristol: Intellect. ISBN 184150128X
- Roy Ascott Telematic Embrace.Visionary Theories of Art, Technology, and Consciousness
Edited and with an Essay by Edward A. Shanken. Berkeley: University of California Press ISBN 0-520-21803-5
- The Universe in a Single Atom : The Convergence of Science and Spirituality (Hardcover) by Dalai Lama XIV