Water is in the Air - Workshop, June 25th and 26th, Marseille
Water is in the Air – L'Eau est dans l'Air
Interdisciplinary Workshop
Leonardo/Olats – IMéRA
Marseille June 25 - 26 2012
In the framework of the European project StudioLab, Leonardo/Olats, in collaboration with IMéRA, is organizing a two day workshop on the theme "Water is in the Air".
Missing or flooding, pure or polluted, water is at the core of many economical, social and political issues as well as cultural and symbolic ones. Water is a familiar component. However, numerous things remain unknown regarding its nature, its structure, how it changes state, its presence in the universe, that scientists and artists are challenging and exploring. This is the approach that the workshop Water is in the Air has decided to tackle.
Based on singular artistic and scientific projects involving water as case studies, in hard sciences as well as humanities, this workshop seeks to explore trans-disciplinary crossings. We will be seeking to deepen our understanding of how the large variety of art-science collaborations function today; examining the roadblocks to such collaborations and the new opportunities they provide. We also seek to develop ideas for innovative ways to work and engage with different kind of audiences and publics.
Among the participants : HeHe (Heiko Hansen & Helen Evans), Jean-Marc Chomaz, Nathalie Delprat, Monsieur Moo, Optofonica (Evelina Domnitch & Dmitry Gelfand), Ana Rewakowicz, Peter Richards, RIX-C (Rasa Smite & Raitis Smits), Javiera Tejerina-Risso, Patrice Le Gal, Harold Vasselin, Victoria Vesna, et Emmanuel Villermaux.
The workshop takes place at IMéRA, 2 place Le Verrier, 13004 Marseille
It is open for free to the public upon registration within seats limit.
To register, contact: Pascale Hurtado : pascale.hurtado [@] imera.fr
Studio Lab Project: www.olats.org/studiolab/