From Forces to Forms: Episode 1 "Laws of Nature"

Pratt Institute

Presented by Pratt Institute this is an online discussion about the exhibition called "Forces to Forms"
2 Apr 2022 - 12:00pm


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February 1 - April 27, 2022

Pratt Manhattan Gallery, now on the ground floor!

Open to visitors who are fully vaccinated with advanced registration:

Presented at Pratt Institute’s Manhattan Gallery and curated by Ellen K. Levy, a multimedia artist, scholar, and past president of the College Art Association, “From Forces to Forms” explores the nature of form by engaging with the potent forces and processes of nature. By investigating how physical laws shape living and nonliving forms alike — ideas first proposed by D’ Arcy Thompson in his classic tome “On Growth and Form” (1917) — the exhibition explores universal principles of organismic development while delving into the flux and perturbations that characterize life today.

Reflecting Pratt Institute’s commitment to interdisciplinarity, “From Forces to Forms” features works by 19 artists and designers whose practices draw from both art and science and articulate a shared commitment to creating a more sustainable world. These works consider the implications of form generation through a variety of media (from analog to digital), at different scales (from subatomic to macroscopic), and in varied contexts (from prebiotic to ecosystems).

First Episode "Laws of Nature" will feature:
Tauba Auerbach
Adam Brown and Robert Root-Bernsteir
Todd Siler
Paul Thomas
Meredith Tromble
The first section of the exhibition is composed of works by artists who explore basic forces of nature and the behavior of entities that are often placed, unattended, in the background. The artists emphasize the activation of life, often constructing their own methods. Like Thompson, they look at the intersection of physics and chemistry. probing the boundaries between the animate and inanimate, and they consider the available sources of energy to initiate the transition. The late chemist Robert Shapiro, who embarked on a lifelong search for life's origins, pointed to the necessary conditions: "You need a compartment, you need a source of energy, you need to couple the energy to the chemistry involved, and you need a sufficiently rich chemistry to allow for this network of pathways to establish itself. Having been given this, you can then start to get evolution.'
