George Quasha
COLOR, LIGHT, MOTION is an online series featuring media artists and scholars in dialogue about artworks from the Bermant Collection of media and kinetic arts. Each featured presenter will discuss selected artworks in history and context and in relation to their own work and connections. This series is produced in collaboration with Harvestworks NY and the David Bermant Foundation.
George Quasha
The Syntax of Moving Awareness
RESPONDERS: Gary Hill and Toni Dove
George Quasha is a poet, artist, musician and writer working in diverse mediums to explore certain principles (e.g., axiality, ecoproprioception). For his primary medium poiesis he has invented the genre preverbs as a medium of axial language and “linguality at zero point.” He extends axiality & poiesis to art, music, performance, and conscience body practice.
His ongoing video work was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship (2006), principally for art is/music is/poetry is (Speaking Portraits), for which during the last twenty-three years he has recorded over a thousand artists, poets, and composers in eleven countries saying what art, music, or poetry is (—represented in the book art is (Speaking Portraits) (2016).
For many years he has collaborated with Gary Hill and Charles Stein in performance. His sculpture (Axial Stones), drawings and video have been exhibited in various venues, including the Snite Museum of Art, the Manfred Baumgartner Gallery, White Box, the Samuel Dorsky Museum and biennials (Poland, Switzerland, New York). Axial Stones: An Art of Precarious Balance (foreword by Carter Ratcliff, 2006) explores the axial principle in his sculpture. Other writing on art includes An Art of Limina: Gary Hill’s Works & Writings (with Charles Stein, foreword by Lynne Cooke, 2009—now online at
His main work in axial language poiesis is preverbs, of which seven of the thirteen books have been published to date, including Not Even Rabbits Go Down This Hole and Waking from Myself. Poetry in Principle: Essays in Poetics (foreword by Edward Casey, 2019) contains recent writing on “the poetics of thinking.” Zero Point Poiesis: George Quasha’s Axial Art (2022) is a collection of writings on his poetry, art and thought by sixteen authors, edited by Burt Kimmelman, foreword by Jerome McGann. He was awarded the T-Space 10th annual Poetry Award in 2022.
Edited anthologies include America a Prophecy: A New Reading of American Poetry from Pre-Colombian Times to the Present (with Jerome Rothenberg, 1973/2012), Open Poetry: Four Anthologies of Expanded Poems (with Ronald Gross, plus Emmett Williams, John Robert Colombo, & Walter Lowenfels, 1973), An Active Anthology (with Susan Quasha, 1974), and The Station Hill Blanchot Reader (with Charles Stein, 1999).
He lives in Barrytown, New York, collaborating with Susan Quasha on photography/preverbs), and together they publish Station Hill Press.
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