"Animals + Genetic Technologies" Lecture + Symposium

"Animals + Genetic Technologies" Lecture + Symposium
14 OCTOBER 2005

Can artists be trusted to act with integrity in the uncharted waters of their enthusiastic engagement with genetic technologies? Carol Gigliotti presented key ideas from her essay, “Leonardo’s choice: the ethics of artists working with genetic technologies.” The center of her argument grew out of an increasing concern, not only about the risks of genetic technologies, in general, but also with a growing genre of art practice involving genetic technologies and animals. She is joined by artists whose work center on issues dealing with biotechnology and animals, and scientists whose research involves work with animals. This symposium resulted in a special issue in the AI & Society journal, Springer- Verlag, UK. November 14, 2005
PARTICIPANTS: Carol Gigliotti (Emily Carr Institute in Vancouver, BC) / Taimie Bryant (UCLA School of Law) / Natalie Jeremijenko (Department of Visual Arts, UCSD) / Eduardo Kac (Department of Art & Technology, AIC) / Charles Taylor (Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UCLA) / Steve Best (Department of Philosophy & Humanities, University of Texas-El Paso) / Beatriz da Costa (Departments of Studio Art, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, UCI). Moderated by Victoria Vesna.
