
Used to tag Particle interviews

Particle Episode 12: Haytham Nawar

Haytham joins Victoria from Cairo, Egypt where he discusses the current situation and how it is revealing deep complexities within the Egyptian socioeconomic system. He uses bread, and food distribution as the starting point for discussing these complexities as it consistently circles back to questions of how we eat, sustain ourselves, and take care of one another during these times.

Particle Episode 10: Siddharth Ramakrishnan

Siddarth Ramakrishnan is interested in the cusp of disciplines and the dialog that arises at that juncture. Art and Science have long been thought to be completely divergent fields, but he believes that there is a lot to be discovered by blending the two, and by allowing scientists and artists to engage with one another. He has started an Art Science Collaborative at the University of Puget Sound that organizes salons, panels, and exhibitions. Currently he is a visiting Professor at the Borough Manhattan Community College part of the City University of New York.

Particle Episode 9: Anna Dumitriu

We are so fortunate to be joined by artist Anna Dumitriu in Brighton, England for Episode 9 of Particles. Since Anna was a child, she has been thoroughly interested in the London Plague and subsequent infectious diseases - how they are carried and how myths and folklore develop around the unseen. Her work is now focused on these unseen characters, down to their DNA, and considers what roles and implications microorganisms carry in culture, science and economy.

Particle Episode 8: Stephanie Rothenberg

This ArtSci Particle features Stephanie Rothenberg, joining us from Buffalo, New York. Stephanie begins with a potent discussion of her work which is then followed by a conversation with Victoria about the necessity of sentience during this time, asking, “what senses do we still have available that allow us to remain connected?” Stephanie engages this question with her students and with her practice, working with social justice organizations, city planners and stakeholders to make artwork that has potential to effect change and help drive public and social progress.

Particle Episode 7: Clarissa Ribeiro

Clarissa Ribeiro sits down with Victoria Vesna to have an informal interview about her recent work, creating open-source face shields and masks so that everyone can have a means for protecting themselves. Clarissa distributes this work widely, but not through sharing materials – instead through sharing media so there is no contamination in the exchange. She also muses critically and philosophically about the separation humans create between us and other species, and even the language we use to further drive that separation.

Particle Episode 6: Linda Weintraub

Linda Weintraub formats this Particle episode as a commencement address to inspire an honest and positive response to this challenging moment. Through creative, critical analysis she reminds us that art can contribute to a beneficial outcome of the pandemic. Using the framework of the Minimalist movement of the 1960's, she illuminates that when things become stripped down and removed of context or knowing, we are left with essential facts and a real opportunity to look, feel, and respond with authenticity.

Particle Episode 5: Post Pandemic Provocations


Victoria Vesna joins the Leonardo Post Pandemic Provocation Group to discuss, imagine and critically PROVOKE ideas for what our complex world might look like after the pandemic. Viewed from a multi-disciplinary vantage point, this conversation begins by taking a look at what's happening now then broadening out to how it's possible to grow out of this time as a more consciously interdependent species and world. This conversation is one in a series of Leonardo Post Pandemic Provocations.

Particle Episode 3: Iain Kerr

Iain discusses how he and his students at Montclair University are responding to the pandemic through community mobilization of medical resources, maintaining safe connections with individuals through foraging, and thinking critically about how we can use this time to reimagine and redevelop our social, economic and political systems.
